Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Java Web Application And Desktop Application


Hi! serious buyers,

I wish to support build your java program 

I'm here with my knowledge and experience to get you the best java software done and accomplished.I have 3 years experience as a java fullstack engineer.

I will develop various java desktop application and web java application.

BackEnd Programing Technologies

  • Java EE(Spring,Hibernate,Struts2)
  • Java SE

FrontEnd Programing Technologies

  • jQuery and JavaScript

  • HTML5
  • Boostrap4
  • Angular8
  • typescript
  • CSS3
  • AJAX
  • Theamleaf
  • JSP

Database Query Languages
  • MySql
  • PgSql
  • HQL

  • Eclipse
  • Neatbeans
  • Intelij Idea
  • VS Code
  • Web Strome

Other Developing Relatives
  • GIT version controlling(Bitbuket,Git Hub)
  • Gradle,maven,NPM
  • Project Management Tools(Trello,Taiga,Slack,Toggl)

I have experience on.

  • Object Oriented programming(OOP)
  • System design

  • Databases design

  • Data Structures

  • Make SRS

I can accept following type Task

  • java application bug fixing
  • Optimize java application logic
  • Java Data structures implementation
  • Java Database application development using mysql or pgsql
  • Hibernate,Struct embedded java app
  • Spring embedded java  app
  • Implement Spring JPA
  • Spring Boot
  • Implement  Jquery Datatable
  • Implement Validation
  • Any type of java applications




: : : : :

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