Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Make Automatic Predictions Through Artificial Intelligence


Note: Contact us before Placing an Order

If you are looking for innovative platform to solve your Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Projects in a Professional way, Deutics welcomes you on board!!!

Machine Learning Services :

  • Predictive Models for Business (Customer Churn Prediction, Target Marketing)
  • Features engineering
  • Regression  

  • Correlations 
  • Association
  • Clustering
  • Different kind of visualization
  • Hypothesis verification
  • Supervised/ Unsupervised learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Sentimental Analysis
  • Entity Sentimental Analysis
  • Software Defect Prediction
  • Entailment Modelling
  • Classification via Clustering
  • Natural Language Inference
  • Text Categorization / Classification
  • Affinity Analysis
  • Time-series Analysis

Deep Learning Services:-

  • Neural Networks
  • Artificial Neural Network 
  • RNN | GAN | CNN 
  • Natural Language Processing 
  • Computer vision | Image recognition | authentication | Flask 
  • Sentiment Analysis | Positive | Negative | Polarity of sentiment | Nice Graphs

 Libraries,tools/framework :-

OpenCV, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib,keras,Pandas, Tensor Flow, Sci-kit Learn Apache spark, Apache Hadoop etc


Seller's Response:



Highly recommend .


Fantastic job. This team is simply outstanding


Thanks for giving us a chance to give our best


nice to work

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