Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Create Your Smartsheet Dashboard Based On Your Current Data


You: A licensed Smartsheet user who is too busy to fully tap into the power of Smartsheets. You keep putting it off and yet you know that Smartsheets can and will make you look Smarter to your clients, your boss and your peers. If only you could find the time to get that dashboard setup.

Me: To the rescue! Based on the package you select I will create your Dashboard and then you can finally cross it off your list of to do items and sit back and receive all the praise and glory. 

Contact me soon so we can get it done.

*I will happily sign an NDA.



Best experience ever!!!


It was a pleasure working with the seller. She delivered more than expected.


Very professional and prompt service. Thorough explanation of how spreadsheets were put together and how to maintain use afterwards.

: :

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