Sunday, April 26, 2020

Program C Sharp Applications For You


I will program for you in C#. it can be for private, personal or commercial use, or simply an extension or a fixed/improved version of existing code.

PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING ANY ORDERS, certain tasks might seem simple at first glance but might be really complex or might be not doable at all. I'll eventually send you a custom package to fit the requests. 

If you made an order without contacting me first, I will only work on your project (if doable) for the hours described in the package you chose.


  • C#

My services include:

  • Console Applications
  • WPF Applications

  • Windows Forms Apps

  • Scripts/libraries
  • Bugfixes

Thank you for considering my gig, I'm very much looking forward to working with you!



satisfied and really happy with this order. competent programmer in the field, satisfactory communication. 5 stars for everything! See you soon


the supplier turned out to be very professional, he was able to satisfy all my requests, for the third time !! I'm really happy to have found a good, honest and competent programmer in his job. excellent communication, I like his working method, updates on developments and assistance on the final release. I'm sure I will work with him again! thank you Lui è rivelato davvero molto professionale, ha saputo soddisfare ogni mia richiesta! sono davvero contento di aver trovato un programmatore bravo, onesto e competente nel suo lavoro. ottima la comunicazione, mi piace il suo metodo di lavoro, gli aggiornamenti sulle evoluzioni e l'assistenza sul release finale. grazie, ci sentiremo presto


he is a serious developer


really satisfied, it is the second job that I commission him, I found myself very well. professional, precise and punctual. thank you


Servizio eccellente, ottima la comunicazione, gentile e competente, sicuramente gli commissionerò altri lavori.

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