Hi, I am a young python programmer and I will be creating a custom account-specific Instagram bot which will help you interact with your target audience and will grow your account organically, the bot performs real-time action just like a normal human does so Instagram will not detect the bot and your account will be safe.***********************************************FEATURES***************************************************
Like By:
- Hashtags
- Location
- Target user fans
- Feeds
Follow By:
- hashtags
- location
- target user fans
- Locations
- Hashtags
- Feeds
- target user fans
- Everyone
- People who don't follow you back
Additional features:
We can add custom Delay between each action
Skipping user :
- Private account
- No profile picture
- Business account
- target by specific language
Notes : Please contact me before you place an order :)
Q. Instagram will detect the bot?
A. NO, the bot performs real-time actions so will not be detected:)
Q. Will my account get action blocked?
A. No, cause we will add action limits on the bot, so you won't get action block

: : : : :

I have been trying to contact you for 2 days but no way to message you on fiverr. Should I just give the job to someone else?