Monday, July 30, 2018

I will develop java application for desktop web or mobile

I will develop java application for desktop web or mobile


I will develop your application based on your needs (desktop or web/mobile) with latest Java 8 technologies. For web/mobile the application will be RESTfull using JOSN format to interchange data.Also i will provide comments for the source code that will be easy to understand.
I grantee 
  • Delivery on time 
  • Writing a well organized clean code 
  • Following best practices
My Skills
  • WebServices
  • Hibernate /JPA
  • Spring Boot /Spring Security
  • Swagger
  • GeoJSON
  • Log4J
  • SQL/NoSQL Databases
  • Spatial Databases


willenyoisi:Very clinical and detail explanation of the code

mariuscornea:It was a great experience working with you.

multiplexor2000:Everything went well. Worked within the technology constraints given to him. Also added a small component I had forgotten to add to the initial requirement. Would easily work with again. Eased any worry by always keeping in constant communication if there was any delay.

mariuscornea:It was a pleasure working with you.

notcool67:This guy is a programing wizard! Looking forward to building more apps with you.

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