I will develop Only IOS wallet for your Token.{CONTACT ME FOR DETAILS}

Hello,Welcome to my gigAre you looking for a CRYPTOCURRENCY, WALLET and bitcoin application Developer if yes your are in the place.
I will build up an Excellent CRYPTOCURRENCY WALLET App and I do Website too with give your installment door incorporation and furthermore furnish back-end with the CRYPTOCURRENCY administration and client administration with Amazing advanced cash App including API, with back-end and other functionalities.FEATURES IN YOUR WALLET.
- Live chat between buyer and seller
- Multi addresses and address labeling
- Admin Dashboard with statics
- Admin General settings screen
- Setting screen with 2 Factor authentication
- Offline paper wallet backup
- Multiple Language Options
- User documents verification
- SMS authentication
- Cold wallets
1.Coding in most secure and optimized way
2.2 Factor authentication
3.SMS authentication
4.User documents verification if needed
5.Email authentication
6.Live and cold wallets
- There are many features not stated here message me for the rest and my portfolio


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