Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I will write an AppleScript script

I will write an AppleScript script


Please contact me first to discuss your requirements and thenI will advise the solutions that I can offer. If it is required, I will estimate the complexity of the task and we can agree on the price.

My service includes writing an Applescript usable in your Mac OS X in order to automate routine daily tasks like:
  • browser data extraction,
  • browser automation - automating web pages (crawling, inputing forms, scraping data...)
  • sending multiple mails
  • storing the attachments from the incoming mails to one folder
  • changing multiple documents with the same edits
  • sending a message to a group of people at once
  • apps automation (Finder, Numbers, Pages, Keynote, Calendar, Reminders, Word, Excel, 3rd party apps...)
  • and many many more according to your specific needs ...

Thank you.


shaulishamay:Exppsional guy \nI have never seen before such dedication \nSuch honestly \nProfesional in heart and soul \nI am more than happy with the results \nOne of a kind

mustafa_alpay:I am very glad that I made something useful to you.\r\n\r\nYou were so supportive \u0026 thank you very much :)

jason_tlz:perfect work!

mustafa_alpay:It was a pleasure to work with you, thank you very much :)

byrdmanlk:Awsome to work with Highly recommend!!

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