Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Build Custom Graphical User Interfaces For Automating Tasks


I offer to assist individuals with automating repetitive tasks such as data logging or menial computer operations and will provide a custom software solution. This custom software may be a graphical user interface (GUI) or an executable script which will perform the desired request on-command. I also offer the ability to program/embed complex mathematical operations into the software if necessary to achieve your goals.

Software Development Timeline (GUI Solution) 

- Design GUI in AdobeXD & send to client for review

- Build code based of off GUI design

- Test final product

- Deliver to client

Software Development Timeline (Automation Script Solution) 

- Identify issues client is trying to solve with the automation script

- Create plan for solving the issue & review with client

- Develop & Test automation script solution

- Deliver to client




: : : : :

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