I will work for you as your developer for 5 hours, I am in programming since 2001

I work as a developer since 2001 C#/VB.NET, ASP.NET, VBA and SQL
I am top rated freelancer in most popular website for hiring, worked over 9 years with customer satisfaction over 90%
Microsoft certified developer
Very ready for your project, ready to support for long time,
Freelancing is my full time job, having my private office with 8 hours daily at least,
Have many references from many countries such as US and UK
*Please contact me to discuss your needs/requirements so I can provide you offer
Kindly feel free to contact me, for any questions or discussion, before you buy my gig to be sure we are on the same page,

marcotroise:Don't work with him, i've requested a good design and he sent me a very poor work. He has earned 40€ to place standard control on a vbnet form.\nFiverr support it's even worse, he don't understand my request and don't preserve my money.\n\nterrible experience!
amr_osama:Don't work with him, he wasn't able to tell what he needs, \r\nHe didn't read/understand the message sent !!!\r\n\r\nI had 89 reviews before this one and all was 5 starts, this was my first 1 start feedback, and the reason is simply this client don't know how to say what he needs !!!
johnnydex9x9:Outstanding Experience!
amr_osama:thank you, great client

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