Hello there ,I'm delphi coder I used to deal with Delphi since version 7 till the Current one for now 10.2.1 Tokyo
I used to work with both VCL(Visual Component Library) and FMX (Firemonkey) Libraries , dealing with both X86 and X64 Architectures by targeting Windows ,Mac,iOS and Android too.
I have coded dozens applications including Database driven Applications using the latest engines like FireDAC,UNIDAC,ZEOS,ODBC,ADO and so forth , working with major DBMS like SQLSERVER,SQLITE,FIREBIRD,ACCESS and many more,
also I have created lot of Mobile Applications using the latest technologies in the market like Restful services
I used to deal with encryption ,ciphers and hashes both Symmetric and Asymmetric
Also I used to debug my own applications for the sake of fetching for bugs and handle exception.
Welcome Abroad ^^

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