I will design a Windows Application / Web Application using Visual Basic .net and any database of your choice (Oracle db, MySQL, ms SQL & ms Access).If you need a commercial software, you may need to provide the design prefarably as photoshop document and clearly explain each individual window or pages of the intended program and other background activities.
- Upgrade or Downgrade your app to target older or newer computers.
- create customized personal and commercial applications.
- do any project involving multimedia, database and networks.
- create a BOT (Automated Program)
- create Console apps, Window Service, Windows Forms, WPFs, Web apps)
- help debug your app in few hours.
I will place comments properly.
I will give a nice design.
I will make the code readable.
I will create classes to handle similar events (Code re-usability).
I will secure the program from hacks.
I will provide a writeup to backup the project (Installation Guide, System Requirements, Flowchart, User Guide, etc.).
I am polite and place customer satisfaction above all.
I hope you will give me a try.
Chat me to clarify things before placing order.

Thank u very much loveth01 u are the best!!!
:Great experience, will use again
:Need to fix existing app.
:very professional coding.. shes awesome.. A+
:Always delivers as expected.

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