Friday, February 21, 2020

Solve Your OpenCv Problems


As a person with good experience in programming I can create a program for you if needed,

I can program and solve your your problems in C/C++,  C#/ I will provide a well commented code.

The basic package that is provided should cover most of the programs at a general level.

Majority of OpenCv work will be done using C/C++, but I can also work in C# if needed.

If needing something much more professional it is usually better to discuss with me whether I can take it normally or make it a slightly a bigger project. I believe to be well capable of both.

Do note that you must contact me before applying for an order so we can discuss the project and the feasibility.

In the end for any questions feel free to contact me!


Automatic attendance using face recognition.

Background subtraction in a video.

Finding Contours in an image.

Finding Object in an image using template matching.

Feature Extraction using OpenCV


Seller's Response:

Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

Seller's Response:

I needed a pgm created, Talhamubeen662 worked to get a system he did not know, to make this work!!!!! Great work!!!!

Seller's Response:

overall experience is good, all specifications were provided clearly.


Our goal was to create a wifi interface. This was done and we are very happy


Outstanding Experience!

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