Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I will develop c sharp and java application, projects and assignment for you

I will develop c sharp and java application, projects and assignment for you


Hi, my name is Nimrod, I develop computer apps and game in my free time as an Hobbie.
I have four years of experience in programming including teaching.

I am open to any qustion about this Gig so feel free to contact me (My time zone is (GMT‎+3‎));

If you want to 
negotiate on a specific order free to contact me as well.

I will try to deliver as fast as possible and make sure you are satisfies after delivery!

I can develop any of this:
  1. Basic java, C# app.
  2. Basic java, C# Console app.
  3. Advance java, C# Console app.
  4. Adnavance C# app with GUI and/or Networking.
  5. C# - Excel data manipulation (Create tables base of data and etc, contact me).







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