Saturday, August 4, 2018

I will develop a user manual software, website, or application

I will develop a user manual software, website, or application


If you need a professional who can develop a user manual for Your Software, Website, or Online Application, then you can hire me. I am an experienced Software Engg. I offer you my services in programming languages like Android, C++, C#, C and .Net, HTML, CSS, etc. I will provide a quality work. Customer satisfaction is my responsibility. 

Demo Work

  • images and pdf file are displayed in gallery

I can

  • Write code
  • Do designing of problems
  • Fix bugs
  • Design algorithms
  • Write Pseudocode

My skills are:

  • C#
  • C
  • C++
  • Database
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • MVC
  • GUI based applications
  • Console based applications
  • Multi-Threading
  • Data structures
  • Database integration into any application
  • Custom programs and applications

Projects I have completed:

  1. ERP
  2. HR
  3. Payroll
  4. Accounts Mangaement

Everything will be according to requirements and up to your satisfaction.

If you require work that falls under mentioned area of expertise, hit the CONTACT ME button and I'd take on your order to work with you until you are satisfied! We can set the appropriate budget for your project also. Moreover, if your work doesn't fall under mentioned area of expertise, you can still throw me a message and I'd assist you in the best way possible!







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