I will create ubot bot for webautomation tool skype might required

js-gig-main-desc ">This is just Very simple Gig here..CONTACT US BEFORE ORDERINGPlease note:-
- For this gig I will have a Skype chat or call to understand or explain complex issue about your software requirements, and for giving after sale support.
- I may need to do a screen share to demonstrate working of tool
(And Send me your requirements step by step better with a video, So I can give you Good software.
1) I need a bot that click a button on website
2)I need bot .
(Don't you think this can't give me any idea what you want, please be specific about your requirements :).
Please contact only if you are serious and interesting in getting their work done faster.
If you need webautomation tool we can create it for you using ubot..
Ready-made ubot bots also available message us..like
organic search traffic bot
Send us your requirement in full details step by step in details so we can give a quotation
Don't order till you get our cost estimates.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Full support after sale for lifetime support..

odium:High level professional. made sure everything done to perfection
altugozeren:Simply best seller on Fiverr.
justincrabbe:great seller
altugozeren:I am a returning customer. Seller ALWAYS does a great job. Recommended!
lewhite:perfect, many thanks

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