Friday, June 22, 2018

I will do computer organization and system architecture dld

I will do computer organization and system architecture dld


in this gig what i am doing is given below:
  • Assembly MIPs and ARM
  • Digital login design logic GATE OR XOR AND etc
  • binary hex octal numbers
  • Logical oprations floating point numbers
  • Pipelining, datapath, data hazards  
  • Datapath of Instructions LOAD STORE ADD etc
  • Main memory page table Virtual memory
  • Cache hit miss, set, full & n way associative
  • Data types, Number system, big endian little endian
  • addressing opcode, indexed, Stack, inflix etc
  • and any work which is realed to Digital logic design, Computer organization, Computer system architecture etc i will do that


alikhulsuma:Fast and good

yamerali:Excellent working with him.

abeusa1991:Such an amazing person to help you, I recommend anyone to work with him

eric45:Great buying experience, seller was accurate and delivered on time. Highly recommend !!!

abdullahoa:i told him to write a program in c or java and he wrote it in c++??

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